You will often hear us say that we believe in the transformational power of Christ and community, because we really do!  Community can look a lot of ways…small groups and serving teams are meaningful places of connection.  Another aspect of community we...
What Is a Discipleship Relationship?

What Is a Discipleship Relationship?

Let’s start off by asking the question, what is discipleship? At Live Oak, we believe discipleship is intentionally equipping believers with the Word of God through accountable relationships empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to replicate faithful followers of...
How Do I Start a Discipleship Relationship?

How Do I Start a Discipleship Relationship?

Jesus invites us to BE His disciple. He also tells us to “go and MAKE disciples”. A disciple is a learner of Jesus who is becoming more like Jesus. And disciples make disciples. How do we get started making disciples?  Discipleship happens best life on life; one...
Using SOAPS in a Discipleship Relationship

Using SOAPS in a Discipleship Relationship

WHAT IS SOAPS? At Live Oak we believe the reading of and reflection on God’s Word is catalytic to your faith.  There are many approaches to reading and reflecting on scripture and at Live Oak we often teach on and encourage one way, called SOAPS. SOAPS is simply an...
Discipleship Toolbox…Practical helps as you structure your time

Discipleship Toolbox…Practical helps as you structure your time

Below you will find multiple tools to utilize in a discipleship relationship.  Our goal is to help you get started in your journey. We have provided explanations of how you might access and utilize each tool as well as few suggestions. We did not set out to provide an...