This page will keep you up to date with all things Acorn Club (AC), for babies through preK!

Be sure to check back here weekly for resources, fun and support! 

Head HERE to learn about the heart and vision of Acorn Club.

This March in Acorn Club

One common phrase we hear children repeat is, “Watch this!” They want us to watch their spins and cartwheels, their dance routines, and what their toys can do. It’s fun to pretend to be amazed and say, “Wow,” no matter what it is. This month, we are teaching our preschoolers to watch the One who can do anything. The One who has shown that the power of the Lord is with Him. Who is this One? Jesus, of course! Yes, this month is all about Jesus and how Jesus can do anything!

Connect With Us

BE SURE TO Check out our Instagram Page: @liveoakacornclub and our Facebook Page: Acorn Club