At Live Oak, we welcome ALL children, and we want to make it our mission to serve your whole family. We strive to meet every child and family where they are with compassion. We want to welcome, love, teach, and serve your whole family as you grow together in Christ. Come as you are, and know that we want to walk with you through the hard and easy as your child(ren) learns to love and pursue the heart of God.
Use this form to help us know your child and his or her needs. You can fill us in on everything from food allergies to a special medical condition to needed accommodations.
Special Needs Form
Want to learn more about SERVING in our Special Needs Ministry as a Lead Small Buddy (someone who works one-on-one with a kinder-5th child who has special needs to help them engage on Sunday mornings)? This is our basic serving form and you will find a checkbox within it about bring a LEAD SMALL BUDDY.