Our college ministry meets Tuesday nights at 7pm at Live Oak!  We’d love for you to meet these faces and help out with a very real need for college students: DINNER!  Feel free to grab your small group, your friend group, or people you serve with to come do this with you.

Here’s what would be expected of you and your group:

  • We are expecting 50-60 people this semester. This number could change and I will be sure to let you know well in advance if so.
  • Prepare what you will bring (our kitchen space is limited so it would be best to do this before you come) We will provide paper goods, plastic ware, and water bottles. Here are some ideas if you are stuck on what to bring: Nacho bar, bbq sandwiches, baked potatos, cereal, crockpot meals, pizza, breakfast for dinner, potatoes etc.
  • Set up (you can come as early as 6:30pm to begin set up, students will arrive and eat from 7-7:30pm), and we would love for you to meet them and chat with them during that time!

GOT QUESTIONS? Email Madison