
You were not created to do life alone

The Church offers you Christ and Community and we need both to be able to grow spiritually and take our next steps in following Him. This is why Live Oak is a church of groups: Small Groups, Specialized Groups and Bible Study Classes.

Our small groups meet at various times during the week, most meeting in homes. We have men's groups, women's groups, mixed and married groups, groups for college-aged people, groups for young adults. Groups will come together to learn together, pray together and share life. Some will study a book of the Bible. Some will discuss the Sunday message together.  While others will do video-based studies.

We also have "specialized groups," and Bible Study Groups (which you can learn more about by scrolling down).  What makes these different than a small group is several factors. While small groups are usually composed of under 15-18 people, specialized groups and Bible Studies may be a bit larger and have break-out groups for times of discussion. They may be very content specific, such as Financial Peace University or re|engage, or demographic specific (for college-age; for men).

Regardless of the group type, groups meet September through November, taking a break for the holidays. They resume in early February and meet through May, taking the summer months off.  We have found that group attendance wanes every summer, due to vacations and such, so we take the summer months off from structured weekly meetings.

Spring Groups re-launched early in February. 
You can still express interest in groups by clicking the button below:


Sisters and Seekers

Sisters and Seekers are women's-only Bible study groups. We have both a Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning group.  We meet September - November and February - April. Our Spring semester is well underway.  We wil begin another new study and semester in Fall 2025!

men's Morning Breakfast

Men of all ages are invited to join us for food, friendship, learning and discussion. Men's Morning Breakfast meets on multiple Thursdays this fall.  CONNECT HERE

Practicing the way

 The Practicing the Way Course is designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. Each session is comprised of teachings, guided discussion, tutorials, and voices from experts that you will get to learn from and work through alongside your group. Over these sessions, you’ll form a foundational understanding of intentional spiritual formation. We’ll explore how to follow Jesus in our busy, distracted, and increasingly secular culture. 


re|engage marriage ministry

A safe place for couples to reconnect.
Does your marriage need to be reignited or is it in need of a complete resurrection? re|engage is a 13 week experience that includes worship, teaching, small groups and testimonies from couples who have experienced victory in the midst of hard times.  Fall registration has closed but we typcially offer Re|Engage each Fall semester.

The Nest (for Moms)

The Nest at Live Oak (formally known as Live Oak MOPs) is a group where mothers with kids at all stages can build relationships, find community, and grow in their faith.  Our Spring group has already reached capacity but you can join a waitlist by EMAILING US
Have kids?

Small Group Childcare

We understand that in order for many to participate in a small group, quality, accessible options for childcare are necessary. Live Oak Community Church offers 2 options for you.  We provide on-site childcare for a nominal fee for groups who meet on Sunday evenings and for our Wednesday morning Sisters and Seekers groups.  We also offer a childcare reimbursement plan, where you hire your sitter and we help you with that cost.  LEARN MORE ABOUT BOTH OPTIONS HERE


Ellis Dean

Pastor of Small Groups & Discipleship

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9:30am / 11:00am


10710 Frankford Avenue
Lubbock, TX 79424