The Upper Room: A Seat at the Table – John 13-17
Knowing the time was fast approaching for Jesus to depart this world He spent His final hours with His closest friends gathered around a table in the upper room. This was more than a meal. It was a teaching moment of great importance to them…and to us.
As the disciples sat with Jesus, unaware of what would soon take place, Jesus served them, taught them, and prayed for them. We are going to pull up a seat at that table and let Jesus teach and disciple us as well.
Week 12: Take Heart – John 16:16-33
In John 16:16-33, Jesus talks about a promise I wish wasn’t true: “in this world you will have trouble”. But He also makes a promise I need to be true: “I have overcome the world”. His challenge to us is to “take heart!” What does that mean and how can we do that when we face troubles?
Easter is upon us! We will have 4 identical services with kids programming (Sat. April 19 at 5:00pm, Sun. April 20 at 8:15am, 9:45am, and 11:15am). Who will you invite?
- What is your favorite thing about Spiring?
- What was a HIGH for you this past week?
- What was a LOW for you this past week?
READ: John 16:16-33.
Spend some time SOAPing this passage. You can either spend time SOAPing individually and documenting for a several minutes and then spend time sharing with each -OR- SOAP in real time with each other. Either way make as many observations as you can.
- Observations: What are the things that stand out to you about this passage?
- How would you summarize this passage in one sentence?
- What does this passage tell me about who God is?
A key phrase in this passage is the instruction for us to “take heart”. The Greek word for that phrase is “tharseo” that was used seven times in the New Testament. Read each of these passages and look at how “take heart” was used. For each one ask, what does it mean to“take heart” here? (Pay attention to the context of what was going on)
Matthew 9:2
Matthew 9:22
Matthew 14:27
Mark 6:50
Mark 10:49
Acts 23:11
John 16:33
- Considering all of those examples, what do you think it means to “take heart” as Jesus instructed us in John 16:33?
- Where in your life do you need to “take heart”?
- What would it look like for you to “take heart” practically in your situation this week?
- What else stood out from this week’s sermon?
- Who can you invite to Easter services at Live Oak? Make a list and start praying for them.
APPLICATION: What is your big takeaway from this week’s sermon? Be specific.
Everyone has a next step to apply what we have learned. What is your next step? Be specific.
MEMORY VERSE: *Challenge yourself or your group to commit this verse to memory:
John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Spend some time praying for each other.
Scripture References:
John 16:16-33; Isaiah 55:8-9; 1 Peter 4:12; 1 Peter 1:6-7; Matthew 9:2; Matthew 9:22; Matthew 14:27; Mark 6:50; Mark 10:49; John 16:33; Acts 23:11; Romans 8:28; Revelation 21:4-7