4 Candlelight Services
in Lubbock, Texas
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 9:30am & 11:00am
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 3:45pm & 5:00pm

♦Celebrate the birth of Jesus with us at 4 identical 45-minute services this Christmas Season:
Sunday, December 22
at 9:30am & 11:00am
Tuesday, December 24
at 3:45pm and 5:00pm
♦ Children’s Programming is available at all 4 services for babies- 3 year olds.
♦ We keep things moving and dynamic during these services to engage even our littlest attendees, including a Christmas Story time just for them.
♦ For all 4 services we will close out with our traditional candlelight carol. Don’t worry…we have LED candles for your little ones.
♦All 4 services will be livestreamed for those who cannot make it in person.
Find it on Live Oak Youtube, Facebook, or HERE

Helpful Tips If You Are New
Live Oak is a CASUAL & COMFORTABLE atmosphere – we hope you will feel at ease.
You really can wear what you want. Most people dress casually or business-casual on Christmas Eve.
You’ll meet FRIENDLY PEOPLE – they will help you find your way around but won’t invade your space.
You’ll experience MEANINGFUL WORSHIP in a creative, contemporary environment.
No worries! If you utilize childcare for babies- 3 yr. olds during our services you will be notified via text if your kiddo needs you! Check-in for childcare will be obvious when you walk in.
Security tags are utilized and required for child pick up at the end of services

4 Candlelight Services
in Lubbock, Texas
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 9:30am & 11:00am
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 3:45pm & 5:00pm

♦ Celebrate the birth of Jesus with us at 4 identical 45-minute services this Christmas Season:
Sunday, December 22 at 9:30am & 11:00am
Tuesday, December 24 at 3:45pm and 5:00pm
♦ Children’s Programming is available at all 4 services for babies- 3 year olds.
♦ We keep things moving and dynamic during Christmas Eve services to engage even our littlest attendees,
including a special Chirstmas Story time just for them.
♦ For all 4 services we will close out with our traditional candlelight carol.
And don’t worry…We have LED candles for your little ones.
♦All 4 services will be livestreamed for those who cannot make it in person.
Find it on Live Oak Youtube, Facebook, or HERE

Helpful Tips If You Are New
Live Oak is a CASUAL & COMFORTABLE atmosphere – we hope you will feel at ease.
You really can wear what you want. Most people dress casually (jeans) or business-casual on Christmas Eve.
You’ll meet FRIENDLY PEOPLE – they will help you find your way around but won’t invade your space.
You’ll experience MEANINGFUL WORSHIP in a creative, contemporary environment.
No worries! If you utilize childcare for babies- 3 yr. olds during our services you will be notified via text if your kiddo needs you! Check-in for childcare will be obvious when you walk in.
Security tags are utilized and required for child pick up at the end of services.