The Upper Room: A Seat at the Table – John 13-17
Knowing the time was fast approaching for Jesus to depart this world He spent His final hours with His closest friends gathered around a table in the upper room. This was more than a meal. It was a teaching moment of great importance to them…and to us.
As the disciples sat with Jesus, unaware of what would soon take place, Jesus served them, taught them, and prayed for them. We are going to pull up a seat at that table and let Jesus teach and disciple us as well.
Week 4: A New Command
Jesus command us to “love one another” and He pushes our boundaries of who and how we are to love others. When we do this, it shines a light on our great God. When we do not do this well, it casts a shadow that hides His goodness. And as Jesus pushes us past our comfort level of loving others, He will use that to grow us.
LIVE OAK CONNECTION POINT: Group life is launching for the spring! Visit Sign Up & Events on our App & website or HERE to plug into a group this spring.
- When does “loving others” come easiest for you? When is it most difficult?
- Who are 2-3 people that you know that love you well? How do you know they love you? And how do they do that?
READ: John 13:31-38
Spend some time SOAPing this passage. You can either spend time SOAPing individually and documenting for a several minutes and then spend time sharing with each -OR- SOAP in real time with each other. Either way make as many observations as you can.
OBSERVATIONS: What are the things that stand out to you about this passage?
- Why do you think Jesus says this command is “new” when in fact it was a very old and very often given command?
Focus on John 13:34-35. Break down the verse phrase by phrase and dig out what Jesus is saying here. What stands out?
Doug pointed out 7 categories of people in Scripture that we are given and told to love. Read each one and the corresponding verses. And then discuss: Which one comes easiest? Why? Which one is most difficult? Why?
Love GOD = Matthew 22:37-38
Love your SPOUSE = Ephesians 5:25
Love your FAMILY = Titus 2:4
Love your NEIGHBOR = Matthew 22:39
Love STRANGERS = Hebrews 13:2 & Leviticus 19:34
Love your ENEMIES = Matthew 5:43-46
Love ONE ANOTHER = John 15:12
Which one comes easiest? Why? Which one is most difficult? Why?
Doug talked about the IMPACT of living out this command to “love one another”. READ the following verses and discuss how we are told about the impact:
John 17:20-23
1 John 2:7-11
1 John 3:11-18
1 John 3:23-24
1 John 4:7-21
1 John 5:1-3
READ: Matthew 16:24. How does this verse impact the command to “love one another” given in John 13:34-35?
Doug said that loving beyond what is normal or natural for your own tendencies and biases makes this a growth opportunity for you? How is living out “love one another” a growth opportunity?
- What else stood out from this week’s sermon?
APPLICATION: What is your big takeaway from this week’s sermon? Be specific.
- Everyone has a next step to apply what we have learned. What is your next step? Be specific.
MEMORY VERSE: *Challenge yourself or your group to commit this verse to memory:
John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Spend some time praying for each other.
Scripture References:
John 13:12-17, 31-38; Matthew 22:37-38; Ephesians 5:25; Titus 2:4; Matthew 22:39; Hebrews 13:2; Leviticus 19:34; Matthew 5:43-46; John 15:12; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; John 17:20-23; 1 John 2:7-11, 3:11-18, 3:23-24, 4:7-21, 5:1-3; Matthew 16:24.